G4C Awards Nominee Spotlight: Jewish Time Jump


Awards Nominee Spotlight:  Jewish Time Jump

Get ready to put on your reporter’s hat and enter Jewish Time

Jump: New York, an interactive story and place-based augmented reality game created to teach players a part

of Jewish and American history.

In Jewish Time Jump, available on iPhone and iPad, players work as a reporter for theJewish Time Jump Gazette and travel back in time to the early 1900s in Greenwich Village, New York, where they investigate key events surrounding the Uprising of 20,000. Developer ConverJent, a resident organization of Clal: The National Jewish Center for Learning and Leadership, launched the game in May.

Rabbi Owen Gottlieb, the director and founder of ConverJent, produced, wrote, and co-designed Jewish Time Jump with co-game designer Jennifer Ash. Games for Change had the chance to ask them both about the creation and inspiration for the game.

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