Rabbi Gottlieb on Ancient Chanukkah Games and New Games for Learning


Rabbi Gottlieb is featured on WXXI’s Connections with Evan Dawson.  Here, Gottlieb discusses ancient rabbinic playfulness, games, and new opportunities in religious and humanist education through games.

Connections: What Will 2015 Bring for Regional Innovation and Improvement?


Could 2015 bring innovation and improvement in the region?

We look at how 2015 could bring innovation and improvement in various parts of our community. Here are our three guests and what we’ll discuss:

  • Mike Linehan, Yates County Chamber of Commerce – talking about recovery following the May floods, impact of casino development, and more.
  • Amy Oliveri, co-organizer of the upcomingEdCamp Rochester – talking about new ways of approaching teaching.
  • Rabbi Owen Gottlieb, RIT professor – talking about new game developments, and how education (and religion) can be linked to gaming.