The Atlantic features Jewish Time Jump


Augmented-Reality Game Brings a Story of Jewish Labor Organizers Back to Life

Discovering the

tale of a massive 1909 garment-workers strike in New York City’s Greenwich Village

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There is a feeling you get when you stand on, say, the ground at Gettysburg or the steps of the Lincoln Monument and you know that something momentous, a piece of history, occurred right on that part of the Earth right beneath your feet.

But what about the history that went down at less noted locations, places that you pass every day on your way to work or when you take your dog out for a walk? It’s easy to never see those stories, to relegate them to museums and books, away from the physical locations where they took place. But what if the city itself became our history museum, and its sites bore their pasts more prominently?

This is essentially what happens in a new game for iPad and iPhone calledJewish Time Jump. The game takes place right on the same ground as the history it tells, and as the players progress, they “encounter” people, events, and other historical artifacts on their device, triggered via GPS by their arrival at certain locations.

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Read the full article here